Dento do programa da Skulptur Projekte Münster 2007, o ciclo de leituras Blumenberg (em homenagem ao ex-professor da Uni-Münster, o filósoso Hans Blumenberg) procura discutir questões ligadas à arte, à escultura e, sobretudo, ao conceito de espaço. Um dos convidados é o meu orientador, Siegfried J. Schmidt, professor emérito da Uni-Münster e um dos mais respeitados teóricos da comunicação e da mídia na Alemanha. Abaixo, o resumo de sua palestra, que vai ocorrer dia 21, no Metropolis, aqui em Münster.
(Ein Verschwinden der Öffentlichlkeit in den Medien)
Public sphere, in the guise of public opinion, had functioned since the eighteenth century to orient the individual thematically in bourgeois society and also as as instrument for the political control, since the printe media could be used to transform the mass of individuals into fictious unity of “the public sphere”. With the specialisation of the media in today’s media system, however, each medium has conquered its respective target audience – and the sum of these audiences can no longer be regarded as one “public”.
Today, thanks to the de-spatialisation of space and the de-temporalisation of time through electonic media, the public sphere is no longer a space, but what one coul call “fractal media content”. In light of this, insistance is just as difficult as resistance. However, at the same time, the media are the place where we can observe the public sphere illuminate briefly and disappear – and public art is no exception.
Siegfried J. Schmidt. Skulptur Projekte Münster 2007 (Programm)
Silke Wagner. Münster Geschichte von unten (2007, Münster)
Photo: Manu Müller